Mae Ffarm Ofal Clynfyw’n gwmni cymunedol sydd yn cynnal a chefnogi pobl anabl a bregus trwy sawl prosiect dysgu
Clynfyw Care Farm is a Community Interest Company which supports disabled and vulnerable people using numerous meaningful projects as tools for learning
Day Service
Our Day Service runs six days a week, we have a Drama Club, Choir, Friday Food Club, Music Club, Wheelie Good Idea, Animal Care, Arts and Crafts, Horticulture and growing projects, charcoal making, apple juicing, arts and crafts, John Muir Awards, swimming, football and other sports clubs, and a series of events throughout the year. We run work experience sessions and Nature on your Doorstep sessions with Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, and we are always on the look out for new, fun, opportunities to get involved with.
Our Day Service provision at Clynfyw and Kinora is based around therapeutic micro-enterprises and projects which differ on different days of the week. Each project has a meaningful outcome, and a number of additional benefits are included within the processes. While the ‘outcome’ (fixed wheelchair, bag of charcoal, baked cake, successful event) might seem the initial focus of each project, the other benefits (improvement in literacy, numeracy, dexterity, socialisation, self-esteem, specific skill development) are actually of more importance and relevance to the service delivery.
Much of our work focuses on the use of nature and the countryside for learning, fun, recovery and all round health and well being.
Clynfyw Domiciliary Care Agency –
Clynfyw is registered with the Care Inspectorate of Wales (CIW) and are able to provide care support for people staying in the cottages on a Respite Break.
We do not plan to run a huge agency, more focusing on providing quality support for people living in the Clynfyw CC cottages and also visiting on Respite, linking the stays to our existing day services. We believe we can do this well and have no plans to over extend.
Presently eight people live here, with around another dozen accessing regular respite holidays.
We can provide 24hour care, or a few hours here and there, depending on what people need.
Our Domiciliary Care provision focuses on positive outcomes which encourage people’s growth and independence, so we work with them on tasks, rather than having the support workers to do everything for them. Linking tasks with accredited training provides evidence of outcomes. This helps people become more independent, with Clynfyw potentially becoming a ‘transition organisation’ enabling people to live more independently within the community if appropriate and possible.
To see our most recent CSSIW inspection report: Click here
Kinora – mental health recovery centre
In October 2015 Clynfyw took over the management of the Kinora mental health walk-in centre in Cardigan. Open four days and two evenings a week, Kinora is available to anyone to who needs it. It offers support and advice and it also hosts a number of outreach programmes that support recovery from these mental health issues.
Kinora supports an increasing number of people, offering a range of projects to broaden appeal, currently running a garden service, allotment project, bushcrafting, walking groups, breakfast, lunch and supper club and the TONIC surf therapy scheme which links to our Ocean Guardianship project. (http://www.wwamh.org.uk/wwamh-projects/tonic) Kinora also offers informal advocacy.
Everyone is welcome to visit at any time. You will always have a warm welcome. We also have different things happening on different days. Perhaps you would like to take part in something specific?
We work to support the whole rural community thorough fun and inclusive projects. Since 2018 we have developed a close alliance with TONIC; an inspirational and innovative surf therapy project reaching and helping an ever increasing number of people which uses the sea as a therapeutic tool for reaching and supporting people.

Working closely with Clynfyw’s Learning Centre everyone can gain certificated qualifications, boosting self-esteem and becoming more employable in the process.
Open 10-3.00 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. For more info, please get in touch.
St Mary’s Old School,
Finch Square,
01239 612056
We are here to help.
Using the Land
We use the natural world as a tool for personal development, learning, fun, community engagement and social benefit, developing meaningful and fun projects on the Farm, and around our local community. Many activities are linked to ASDAN and John Muir Awards meaning participants can follow an approved training path as well as having direct involvement in the planning and running of each enterprise.
Through the EU funded LEADER Programme, we wrote a Feasibility Study and Business Plan focussing on Natural Health Services in West Wales. We made a short introductory film into nature based therapies.
The Study and Plan can be accessed through our website: www.clynfyw.co.uk. These are available to anyone who might find them useful.

Clynfyw Work experience and Volunteering Programmes
We run work experience sessions as part of our work to help people become ‘more employable’. Kinora also runs a community gardening service, taking care of gardens belonging to elderly and housebound people.
These programmes give people a chance to try more things, see what they like and, in some cases, move on into work. Many are linked to ASDAN certificated training which can help provide evidence of ability when looking for work.
The Wheelie Good Idea
The Wheelie Good Idea sends shipping containers full of wheelchairs and refurbished mobility aids to our partners in Syria, Kenya and South Africa.
Do you have a wheelchair, glasses, gardening equipment, children’s games, sewing machines or literacy aids you don’t need? We’d love them to get them to people who do need them!
We support refugee projects in Pembrokeshire and are Anaya Aid’s West Wales drop off point, shipping aid directly to Syria, Yemen and Gaza. We also work with S.H.A.R.P. who are based in Swansea and take donations to refugee camps in Calais, Paris and beyond.
Some of our Team went to South Africa in 2017 and 2019 to meet our Durban-based partners, Container Ministry, and see where the donations end up. These were life changing trips—hugely inspiring for everyone involved, and for those left behind following the adventure at a distance.
Please get in touch if you would like to help in donations, repairs, volunteering, fundraising… We would love to hear from you.
. Horticulture
Our horticultural project produces a variety of produce, but the main reason for it is to provide a meaningful engagement tool with which we help and support people. The wonderful chemical-free food produced is the ultimate bonus!
We used the majority of our produce cooking lunches every day of the week. We also sell to the Nags Head in Abercych, directly to the tenants living at Clynfyw and the remainder is sold to the local community including members of our participants and staff team.
Since 2018 our main growing area consists of 32, 5 metre long beds which are used to grow alliums, roots, solancea and legumes on a four year rotation. We are doubling our growing area in 2020 with intention of increasing more in years to come, building up our capacity to feed ourselves and to contribute to food security of our local community. COVID has delayed our plans a bit, but there we are!
All produce is grown to organic principles (though we are not registered with any formal assessment association), using a permaculture design approach. ‘No-dig’ gardening is promoted, with digging minimised and organic matter incorporated to improve soil microbiology. We also have plans to save seed when the garden is fully established.
We have 3 polytunnels which we use to grow tender crops, a large fruit cage and 3 fully accessible raised beds. The raised beds are used by participants with mobility issues and are part of the four year rotation crop plan.
We are keen to increase our growing capacity, to save seed and link more with other local growers. With the increasing evidence of climate change, we need to be prepared for whatever challenges there are to come. But we are in a good place, and this project is going really well!
Clynfyw Learning Centre
Our Projects are person-centred, developing as the result of feedback and stated interest of the people we support. The projects include small-scale horticulture, crafting, charcoal making, pork and poultry production, independent living and life-skills, computer literacy, bicycle maintenance, relationships, travel training, money handling, personal hygiene, numeracy and literacy, sports, woodland skills, bush crafting, swimming, football and other sporting engagement and other low-impact activities which help excluded people form a better understanding of farms and the rural environment.
Whenever possible these are linked to ASDAN certification with Clynfyw becoming a recognised training centre.
British Hen Welfare Trust West Wales Collection Point
Towards the end of 2017, Clynfyw became the South Wales re-homing site for the British Hen Welfare Trust (BHWT). Since then we have helped re-home well over 3,000 ex-battery hens, and have 40 of which we have given a happy, free range home at Clynfyw. These re-homing days have helped raise vital funds for the BHWT with a donation being recommended for each rescued hen.
A re-homing day begins with picking up the hens our recipients have signed up for from Cardiff. On arrival back at Clynfyw, BHWT volunteers and our participants tend to the hens, give them food and water and let them stretch their legs after a long journey. The hens are then collected to go home with their new owners. It gives our participants the chance to build on their interpersonal skills by greeting members of the public and assisting staff in money handling and basic maths. What they really love though is to spend time caring for such vulnerable animals.
We have a number of participants who take a keen interest in the welfare of our hens and working with the BHWT has helped them gain an awareness of the methods involved in intensive animal farming. Our participants are directly involved with helping our re-homed hens get back on their feet by feeding them, looking out for any signs of illness, and ensuring a safe and caring environment. Eggs are collected and dated on a daily basis, used here as part of our catering projects with the surplus being sold to Clynfyw tenants and the public from a stand at the end of the drive which staff and participants also made, with proceeds going towards animal feed and supplies.
Tens of thousands of hens have been rehoused in happy homes by the BHWT around the country. We look forward to working with the BHWT in the years ahead to find many more hens a happy home.
If you’d like to help…. here’s how
We have always run Clynfyw with the intention of relying on as little grant funding as possible. We do, however, need to seek additional funding to help with specific projects….like the Wheelie Good Idea!
It costs around £6,000 to buy, fill and ship a container-load of wheelchairs, mobility aids and other items to our partners in South Africa, Kenya and elsewhere around the world.
We raise a funds to send the containers through our community apple juicing project, but the more funds we raise, the more containers we are able to send.
Perhaps you could help?
There are many ways. Perhaps you could hold a coffee morning in your local area. Perhaps you are a runner and would run a marathon for us. Perhaps you could organise a sponsored walk, a jumble sale or something else. Or perhaps you would simply like to donate using the button here.
All support is much appreciated.
If you would like help from us, please let us know.